Hi All, I thought I would take some time for our quarterly update of new developments in the AC system. This past quarter we have spent a lot of time and effort on improving the kiosk experience with some great feedback and suggestions from our Operators and Locations. We have been working away on some great new content that is rolling out soon.
Thank you for helping us improve the player experience in the arcade!
– John
Paystation Kiosk Updates
Version Release
Major Updates:
- Muti-card Purchasing Option including the web-app reporting in the kiosk and collection reports
- English / Spanish toggle button
- User Registration Removed to Mobile Experience – See update below
Look for these updates on your kiosk in the coming weeks

Card Registration Portal – Player Portal
Major Updates:
- Easier Player Card Registration to Protect Credits and Tickets
- Your Users – Easy way to email your registered players
- Leaderboard Enhancement Developing Daily
- Check it Out. You may need to re-set your password to login with all of the most recent changes. Use the forgot password to update it.
- We are getting all of the users ported to the locations over the next month to make it easier to interact directly to your customers. Stayed tuned as your gamers show up in your users section as we complete this process.

WebApp Updates and Q3 Plans
- Several Dashboard updates happened in Q2. Mostly for performance and reporting.
- This quarter we will push several new updates in the look and ease of configuration
- User manuals are near completion and will be integrated into your customer dashboard under a FAQ section that is being added
- Redemption is getting an Overhaul to allow easier adding of items and receiving of shipments inventory from certain redemption suppliers. BMI, A&A and a generic template
- We are adding a party planning scheduler to the webapp to allow for party bookings for locations that could use it as well
- Enhanced Paystation Time Play Flow for selling time play at the kiosk as well
- And much, much more!
Customer Support Line
Contact us at:
- Option 1: Sales
- Option 2: Customer Support
- Option 3: Parts and Shipping
- Option 8: Search by Name