NewsROLLER and Amusement Connect Announce Integration to Streamline Cashless Card Operations.

Hot off the Press!
NewsTwo industry leaders, AMI Entertainment and Amusement Connect, proudly announce their partnership to revolutionize payment options in entertainment venues.

Using Mobile Payment in your Bars and Pool Halls
Bowling, Innovation and Technology, Product Updates, Roller Skating
Amusement Connect Debuts Automated Cashless Arcade and Redemption at Fun Run Kansas City!
Product Updates
Amusement Connect is proud to announce that Fun Run Kansas City (www.funrunkansascity.com) is host to the inaugural installation of the Amusement Connect self-service autonomous arcade technology system.
The arcade in Fun Run is…

Amusement Connect Updates – Q2 2019
Product Updates
Hi All, I thought I would take some time for our quarterly update of new developments in the AC system. This past quarter we have spent a lot of time and effort on improving the kiosk experience with some great feedback and suggestions…

Amusement Connection Product Updates – Q1 2019
Product Updates
First off, thank you to all who stopped by the Amusement Connect booth at the 2019 Amusement Expo in Las Vegas! The AC team had a wonderful experience meeting you and sharing with you our new products and features.

Amusement Connect Product Updates – Q3 2019 – Part 1
Product Updates
AC SmartMech Reader
Our NEW DESIGN: AC SmartMech Card Readeris Now Shipping!
Contact us today to get on our shipping schedule!
Many New Features:
Custom Themes (Color / Display / Sound…